Service details

21st Century Online Tutoring

Price by negotiation

21st Century Learning!!
I use Zoom as a platform which allows video, whiteboard, screen-share, and doc sharing. Zoom is free to use and downloadable from any app store or log in on computer.
NZ$60 for a 1 hour session or NZ$30 for 30 mins.
Invoice sent to your email inbox and payable through PayPal- prices include GST.
Email to discuss options.
I look forward to hearing from you!

Choose from the 3 options below:
Using NZ assessments, I can figure out what your child needs in the areas of maths, reading, or writing.
I then meet with you, to give you a summary on their next steps and some easy games and ideas you can use to teach them what they need.

Regular or one off sessions for years 5-12 in maths, reading or writing. Tailored for individual needs and personalities, I teach, discuss, use flash cards, share documents, and play games.
Follow-ups and extras can be suggested to continue learning between sessions.

It may seem that teachers don’t teach the way that we learnt. It is normal for parents not to know what or how to teach their kids.
I will explain assessments and strategies that teachers use and I’ll show you games and ideas that you can try with your child today.
Category: Tutoring
Location: North Shore City, Auckland
Provider: AlbanyNorth Shore CityAuckland
Duration: 15 minutes
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