Service details


Price by negotiation

All I need from you is your FIRST AND LAST NAMES, and your current location (city, town, suburb, state, province, country) I do not need your full address. All your information supplied to me will be kept strictly confidential.

While it is nice for me if you leave a review on my site after the Healing. You are not made to feel that you need to because of keeping your name confidential.

I offer powerful Healing Energies that are sent out to you. This Healing energy is very beneficial for a range of ailments and sickness, including STRESS, EMOTIONAL TRAUMA, , SPIRITUAL GROWTH, ANIMALS, SLEEP ISSUES & YOUNG CHILDREN etc.........

If you are unsure about distant healing and you live in Auckland, I may be able to visit you in your home to carry out hands on healing.
There may also need be a small fee to cover the cost of petrol.

To send the Healing energies to you I sit in a quiet environment for a specified length of time and connect to you via your FIRST AND LAST NAMES AND WHERE YOU LIVE.

There is no need to do anything to prepare for the Healing energy.
All I need is for you to be open minded to allow the energy to flow through me and into you. The healing energy has an intelligence of its own and knows exactly where you need the healing.

Anything you may experience after the healing has been carried out is quite normal. Some people may experience an instant change in some form. Some people may start noticing a difference the next day, a few days later or even a week later. Some people are more sensitive than others but everybody receives the same healing benefit.

Category: Health Services
Location: Waitakere City, Auckland
Provider: HendersonWaitakere CityAuckland
Duration: 15 minutes
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