Service details

GREYSTONE Painting & Decorating Plastering

Price by negotiation

Custom Design Painting Specialist.

Residential & Commercial
Homes, Office, Retail Shop, Interior & Exterior.

We only insist on delivering high-end painting jobs. We don't just focus on finishing the job, we can guarantee the best painting job.

We provide a 3-dimensional form of customer's house or shop with the desired colour printed on the surface of the house & shop using computer graphic before we proceed the painting job. Then, we choose the colour or decorative paint that best suits your house or shop.

No job is too small or too big for us.

visit us Website.


contact us today.
Mobile: 0211576646 Claire
Category: Painting & Decorating
Location: Waitakere City, Auckland
Provider: GREYSTONE Painting&Decorating
Duration: 15 minutes
Overall rating:
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