Service details

Gutsy Health Weightloss Program

Price by negotiation

My name is Michelle Williams.

The Gutsy Program is based on a simple gut friendly food plan which I provide and the only cost to you is the supplements.

10 signs you are ready for this 30 day RESET program are...??????

1) You can’t button your favorite pants ??
2) You can’t control your cravings ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
3) You eat a full meal and still feel hungry ?? ??
4) You aren’t regular ??
5) You don’t want to try ANOTHER diet ??
6) You want real results, not a quick fix ????
7) You live to eat food instead of eat food to live ?? ??
8)You HAVE to take naps everyday to function ??
9) You “survive” off several cups of coffee, bottles of soda or handfuls of candy throughout your day ? ??
10) you just do not feel energetic...??

It is Now O’Clock, no better time than right now to get your healthy and sexy back??

Let’s get you up to 10kgs lighter in 30 days! let’s get you feeling incredible on inside and outside!

Let’s do this! ??????

Come find me on Facebook - Get Gutsy with Michelle Williams

or email me
Category: Health Services
Location: Christchurch City, Canterbury
Provider: Gutsy Health
Duration: 15 minutes
Overall rating:
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