Service details

JANE BREBNER - Psychic & Medium

Price by negotiation

Jane has been working as a Clairvoyant and Medium for the past twenty five years, both in New Zealand and in the United Kingdom. She has travelled and read for people throughout the world.

Jane has also featured in five NZ and UK women’s magazines and has been a guest speaker on radio shows in Auckland. She has also featured on television in New Zealand on ‘My House, My Castle’.

Just as a specialist takes years to refine a skill, so it does for a good psychic reader.

Jane is an ‘energy specialist’ who has taken over 25 years to develop her gifts. Throughout a reading, Jane focuses on what is going on around a client in both the here and now and she also discusses possibilities for the future.

By channelling energy Jane is also able to connect to the energy of those who have passed over allowing messages to be received.

Face to face sessions take up to 1 and 1/2 hours
A recording of the session is provided as an audio file on a CD that plays on a computer
The fee is $300 (gst inclusive) payment must be made prior to the reading or cash on the day is acceptable

A shared reading is when two people (friends, relatives, partners etc) share one appointment slot. Each person will have 45 minutes.
This can be done in one of two ways: with both people present at the same sitting or (in the case where you may have private issues to discuss) you may prefer to separate , with the other person waiting in the car.
The fee for a shared reading is $175 each.

A fourty-five minute phone reading consisting of up to six questions being asked by the caller is also available.
The fee is $175 and must be paid prior to the reading
Please contatct Jane for details of international phone readings
Unfortunately due to the quality of the Internet connections available where Jane lives she is unable to do any more Skype readings

Appointments are available:

Mondays at 9:30 am, 11:30 am or 2:00 pm
Wednesdays at 9:30 am, 11:30 am or 2:00 pm
Saturdays at 9:30 am and 11:30 am
Category: Health Services
Location: Waitakere City, Auckland
Duration: 15 minutes
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