Service details

Baby Sleep Consultant

Price by negotiation


Dream baby is a support service to empower new parents and their little ones with anything that relates to sleep and settling. My name is Naomi, and I am the managing Director of the company. I am a fully trained Registered Nurse and Midwife and I also hold a Post graduate Diploma in Child and Family Health (Well Child/Plunket Nursing).

I know first hand (I am also a mama of 3) that sleep is an absolute necessity when parenting, and that the lack of it can affect you on so many levels. I am passionate about educating, supporting and empowering new parents around infant sleep and settling so that they can get back the sleep they so desperately require. I use evidence based responsive settling techniques in this practice.

If you are currently struggling with infant/toddler settling/sleep, I can honestly tell you, things will get better! When you understand the fundamentals of infant/child sleep and this knowledge is tailored to your individual child and family, things do get better! I look forward to hearing from you!
Naomi xoxo

Category: Nannies & Babysitters
Location: Auckland City, Auckland
Provider: Dream Baby Consultant
Duration: 15 minutes
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